[NI1376] They lived in alburn Indiana where Merritt worked in the Albern Auto Plant
[NI1379] was married and living in North Dakota in 1921
[NI1399] Married by Rev Mr. Bowman
Burial Spring Lake Cem, Aurora Il
Was in the Civil War
Worked for the Burlington Northern RRBurial Spring Lake Cem, Aurora Il
Was in the Civil War Worked for the
Burlington Northern RR
Burial in Naperville IlEditor Burial in Naperville Il
[NI1431] They lived in Yakima Washington
[NI1438] Last known in 1921 to be farming his grandfathers farm which had been in the family since 1836
[NI1456] Ownes and operates a Auto tire and accessory shop in Waynesboro (1921)
[NI1467] Zoe was from the Bomberger family.
Paul Camber "dadstoyi@@gate.net" provided this information
reguarding Annie J Bradlee and her desendants.
[NI1516] Drowned in a wading pool at the age of 1
[NI1524] Lived in Guilsborough, Northhamptonshire England
[NI1528] Died of yellow fever, while mate of the ship "Belle Savage" from Boston
[NI1540] Housewright and painter
[NI1548] Buried in the Cross Street Cemetery within Oak Grove Cem.
[NI1565] they have their own farm near Welch Run PA.
[NI1581] Last known in 1920 to be teaching school and living wioth her mother
[NI1604] Last known in 1920 to be living in Minnenapolis Minn with her youngest daughter Esther
[NI1634] Last known in 1921 to be living in Grimes Iowa
Move to Illinois in 1865 and on to Iowa in 1874
Buried with his wife in Grimes Iowa
[NI1649] in 1921 they lived in Mineapolis Minasota where David was employed by a manufacturing Company
[NI1650] Last known in 1921 to be living in the state of Washington where Jachob was a carpenter
[NI1661] Principal of the State Normal School in Frostburg MD
Never Married Was in the West for over 25 years, mostily in Chicago
in may 1920 when his health failed he moved back east to the home of his
brother M. E. where he died.
[NI1683] Gerals was adopted
[NI1702] Lived in Staffordshire, England
[NI1707] Last known (1921) to be Machinests in Detroit Mi
[NI1712] Last known (1921) to be a cleark in the state police department and stationed in Butler PA
[NI1714] Charles was a carpenter in Naperville IL.
[NI1716] Last known in 1921 to be living in North Manchester Indiana
died at birth, twin to Robert
[NI1740] Ira was the pastor of the Church of the Bretheron in Miami New Mexico
Clockworker and Pin maker.
Lived in london England
Graduated from Shippensburg State Normal School, and after teaching 3
studied medicine at Baltimore Medical College. Graduated in 1898 and
begam his practice in Waynesboro PA
[NI1783] A Cripple
The resided at Waynesboro PA. Michael attended Millersville State Normal
School and taught in the public schools for 9 years.
He was a railroad postal clerk 5 1/2 years first between Philidelphia and
Baltimore, then between Baltimore and Elmira NY.
He then worked as a clirk at Waynesboro Bank, then became president of
the water company, and a director of the Haigerstoen and fredrick
[NI1811] Served in the American Revolution
[NI1849] lived in Waynesboro Pa where he was employed by the Landis Machine Co
[NI1863] Last known to be living in North Dakota in 1921 unmarried
[NI1887] Ida was adopted
[NI1923] The yongest Daughter and still living at home as of 1921
[NI1934] Died of SIDS
[NI1940] Earl was elected minister of the church of the Brethern and had an auto shop in Naperville as of 1921
[NI1964] No one seems to know much about Lulu, but Mackey Squires stated that she "was" a part of the family, but turned "PRO" and was kicked out of the family for professional reasons.
[NI1967] Mail Carrier for Mercersburg PA
[NI1971] Lenah attended school at the Cumberland Valley State Normal at Shippensburg, and was a teacher in the public schools in Franklin Co PA
[NI2010] Alvin was last know (1921) to be living with his father on a ranch 18 from Malta Montana.
In 1865 Michael moved to Naperville Il. Sometime in the 1880's he moved
to franklin Grove Il.
He was very active with the church and served as an efficent official in
the deacons office for about 50 years.
He died of Heart failure.
[NI2012] Lister was last known in 1921 to be working at a garage in Nalerville Il and living with an aunte and uncle.